Sunday, August 25, 2013

That Pinterest place is A-Ok.

Today the Mr. built me something:

No.  Not the sofa.  (Although that would be a handy little party trick!)  He put up the shelf behind the sofa for me!

We (HE) used this as the guide/inspiration:

It's just a board from Lowe's stained and attached to the wall with L brackets.
The board, stain, sanding paper, tack cloth and hardware all came to about $30.  After the board was sanded and stained it took him about 20 minutes to put it up.  Now I have some space for framed pictures and tchotchkes, as well as a little extra storage space below the shelf.

An amazingly simple idea that would have never happened if not for Pinterest.

It also wouldn't have happened without a certain guy and his cordless drill.
(This is not to say that it couldn't have happened.  It just means I never would have gotten around to it.  Lazy, lazy, lazy)  Yay, Kerig!


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